We need you! We have just joined Givealittle to help us fundraise to train up volunteers to start up more shared reading groups in Auckland.
We currently run weekly shared reading groups for the elderly, rough sleepers and others where short stories and poetry are read aloud and discussed within the group. Reading aloud facilitates access for those with visual or perceptual disabilities. Over time our groups bond and become a central part of people’s lives. We get feedback like: “I can’t remember the last time I had something to look forward to.”
We use the programme developed by The Reader Organisation, an award winning charity from the UK. Their research has gained us access to work with vulnerable people like prisoners in the Auckland Regional Women’s Correctional Facility. Without this connection, we would not have gained this access.
We are fundraising to bring out trainers from The Reader Organisation to train up more volunteers to start more reading groups to better serve our communities. TRO charge 900 pounds sterling per course participant plus airfares and accommodation. We also need to pay for venue hire and catering for the three days for each course. We are planning to train up six volunteers in November 2017 and a further twelve in February 2018.
We need $25,000 for our February course and $12,000 for our November course. Big buckets to fill so please share this link with your friends!

Jodie Williams at LIANZA!
Calling all library friends! Come and check out the wonderful Jodie Williams presenting about shared reading & wellbeing at the