‘Gather Round’ is what we call our Reading Revolution group in Gore because that’s what we do!
We gather round a cuppa and a yummy nibble and mull over some great pieces of writing together.
Since September 2022 a keen group of 6-8 have met fortnightly to enjoy the richness of reading and discussion with each other.
Participants have commented that it is so useful to slow down our reading and let it sink in.

Another surprise for many has been the enjoyment of exploring a poem together and seeing it come to life through our shared observations and responses.
“Just beautiful. A beautiful way to finish the morning off,” one member said of a poem that superbly summed up the short story we had just read.
The group has been beneficial in many ways for members to meet others who enjoy thought
provoking readings and to make social connections for those who have moved to the district
recently. Other members of the group have found ‘Gather Round’ a welcoming place to ease back
into social settings after the past two years of COVID disruptions.
We finished off the year by meeting at a local café with a Christmas themed story and poem which
sparked much conversation around gift giving and sharing our Christmas memories. Gore’s ‘Gather
Round’ Reading Revolution group is open to all and will restart in 2023 in the brand new Gore