Mt Roskill Library 2 – 3 pm
Second Sunday of every month. March 9th etc…
We read short stories & poems aloud together over a cup of tea.
Relax & make new friends in the neighbourhood.
Just bring yourself!

Mt Roskill Library 2 – 3 pm
Second Sunday of every month. March 9th etc…
We read short stories & poems aloud together over a cup of tea.
Relax & make new friends in the neighbourhood.
Just bring yourself!
The fabulous librarian Tessa at Invercargill library has initiated some wonderful shared reading projects serving community members with dementia. She
Second Tuesday of the month 10am -11:30am What is a shared reading group? What can I expect? The meeting
A combo book chat & shared reading that offers the chance to interact with great literature while connecting with our