Te Ara-Ripeka Rangihuna

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Te Ara-Ripeka Rangihuna ahau, he Ngāti Porou, he Ngāti Kahungunu, he Ngāti Tūwharetoa.
I am a Māmā of two with a passion for te reo Māori me ngā tikanga. 
He mihi tēnei karakia ki a koutou o The Reading Revolution mō ā koutou mahi mīharo.
This karakia is a koha for all the awesome mahi by The Reading Revolution, I think it’s such an amazing kaupapa and hope that this kaupapa stays forever and a day. The karakia can be used to start and finish your reading kaupapa.
Keep up the amazing work <3


Te mauri āio nuku, āio rangi
Tau mai rā
Tau mai te mauri o ngā kōrero ki tēnei huihuinga
Kia pakari ai te hapori
Kia renarena te taukaea
Hei pikinga wairua
Hei oranga hinengaro
Ko te mauri o te pānui tahi
Kia tūturu, kia pūmau
Haumi e
Hui e
Tāiki e
The peaceful vitality of the earth and the heavens
Descend upon us
Let the words and literature shared in this gathering strengthen the community
Connect people
For spiritual upliftment
For mental well-being
Let the force of shared reading
Be real and permanent
Bind and affirm
Join and unite

Karakia practice with Te Ara-Ripeka

Time & Date:

Saturday September 30, 2023 04:00 PM

3 Responses

  1. Hi I’d love to attend but unfortunately I’ll be out of town and staying where I know I can’t get an internet connection. Hopefully you might run another session before Christmas!

  2. I want to say a huge thank you to you and Reading Revolution for the wonderful Karakia that has been gifted by Te Ara-Ripeka Rangihuna. It is truly awesome and what a gift!
    We started our Shared Reading session using the Karakia, read first in Te Reo by Jocelyn Goodman and then I read it in English. Everyone in the group commented on the beautiful language and we will use it each session from now on.
    I will have to play the video many many times until I feel some fluency of the Karakia in Te Reo, but a goal that will be achieved.
    Ngā mihi nui

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