Dove Hospice- Shared Reading

Dove House is hosting a Shared Reading Group!

207 A Riddell Road, Glendowie, Auckland 1071

This is a wellbeing initiative.

‘’Come and join us for a time of reading short stories together. Anyone involved with the Dove House for any reason is welcome. Bring friends, relatives, carers – anyone who might like this thoroughly enjoyable activity.

We read a new story every week. Stories written by well-respected writers, not too long, but full of heart and interest.

We start with a cuppa, and then move into reading the story together, a few paragraphs at a time.
After a couple of paragraphs, we stop and muse: What do we think is happening here? What
does this remind us of? Any thoughts? Gradually we move through the story, talking intermittently as we go.

There is absolutely no pressure on anyone either to read or to talk if they choose not to. And everyone’s
offerings and opinions are of equal value. It is not a debate, or a literary critique – people share thoughts
and feelings that arise as we listen to the story – it is just a wonderful opportunity for meaningful connection.’’

Alison Broom, facilitator.

Alison is a trained nurse and social worker and has completed training in leading Shared Reading
groups. The Group will run for 6 consecutive weeks on a Friday at 1.15 for 1 and a half hours starting

Friday, 21st April 2023

If you are interested in attending, please email
[email protected]

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