Celebrating Shared Reading in Translation with Maria Dams

Maria is a fiction reader, cat lover and university librarian. She came to New Zealand from Russia in 2010 and currently lives in Albany, North Shore, with her Belgian husband and a black cat with a common Russian name Murzik.
Back in Russia, Maria had a degree in Russian language and literature. She continued her studies at the University of Auckland, completing a PhD in New Zealand literature in 2020. Before moving to Auckland University Library, Maria worked at Auckland Central City Library where she facilitated a shared reading group for a local community.

Join us

Join us at a hui with the fabulous Maria Dams (nee Mitenkova) facilitating discussion We will read together & Celebrate Shared Reading in Translation! This is a whole community event for reader leaders & group participants together. 

Time, Place & Date:

Sunday 29th October Albany Village Library 1pm -
we will be hosted there by the lovely Kathy Bebb 🙂
Please RSVP.

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